Solid State Physics-1 Chapter no.1 Complete notes for free download |
Chapter no.1
Crystal structures and Interatomic Forces:
Ø Solids:
The solids are the forms of matter in which atoms and molecules
are strongly bound and maintain definite volume and shape unless changed by
applying external forces.
Ø Solid State physics:
The study of the physical properties of the atomic/molecular
matter in the solid-state these physical properties include crystal structure
bonding, thermal, electrical, and magnetic properties.
The branch of physics which deals with crystals and electrons in
crystal is called solid-state physics.
Ø States of matter
Ø Types of solid
Ø Crystalline solids
Ø Properties
Ø Why crystalline state is preferred by most solids?
Ø Amorphous solids
Ø Classification of crystalline solids
Ø Single crystals (long-range order exist)
Ø Polycrystal (short-range order)
Ø What are the properties of single crystals
Ø Space lattice
Ø Plane lattice
Ø Lattice points
Ø Lattice translation vector
Ø Primitive
Ø Non-primitive
Ø Unit cell
Ø Effective number
Ø Point group
Ø Wigner Seitz cell:
The smallest volume occupied by normal is the required primitive cell called the Wigner Seitz cell.
Ø Basis:
A regular arrangement of atom or group of atoms on each lattice
point for the formation of a crystal structure such as the atoms or group of
atoms are called basis.
Ø Symmetry operations
Ø Crystal symmetry
Ø Why 5-fold does not exist?
Ø Reflections
Ø Inversion
Ø Point group:
Symmetry operation performed about a point or a line are called
point group.
There are a total of 10-point groups in the two-dimension lattice and A 32-point group in 3-D
Ø Space group:
Symmetry operations performed by translation as well as are called
space group.
There is a total of 17 space group in two O lattice and 230 space group
in the 3-D lattice.
Ø Equivalent pint in a lattice
Ø Bravais Lattice:
A Bravais lattice is a lattice in which every lattice point has
exactly the same environment.
There is no specific origin.
Any point can be considered origin.
Translation symmetry holds in a Bravais lattice.
Ø Non-Bravais lattice
Ø Miller Indices:
It is a system of rotations used to separated the orientation of
planes in a lattice are called miller indices.
Ø Reciprocal Method
Ø Families of equivalent planes
Ø Inter planer spacing
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