Most important tips and tricks for Picture story writing for ISSB 2021

 Most important tips and tricks for Picture-story-writing-for-ISSB 2021|solved picture story writing in Issb | Issb solved pointer stories pdf | picture story writing examples | pointer story writing in Issb pdf | picture story writing in Urdu.

Most important tips and tricks for Picture-story-writing-for-ISSB

Picture story tips and tricks 2021


👉First of all, the examiner psychologist will give you instructions there;

👉There are “No Grammatical Mistakes” Just write your first thought that what comes to your mind after watching this picture to show in front of you on the screen.

👉You have to write Carefully.


👉The third and most common test is ISSB Psychological test.

👉After the Word Association Test and Completion of sentences Test is the ISSB.

👉Then you conduct the Picture Story Writing Test on the second (2) day of ISSB.

👉The word psychology abbreviation is Thematic Apprehension Test.


Development of psychology

Development of psychology

In this test, a picture is shown for all candidates one by one and you can clearly be shown the picture and have written a story of a picture shown on the screen in front of you.

Picture Features

Picture Features

The pictures shown on the screen in this test are black and white sketch-type pictures without colors. In these pictures which different objects or characters are shown and you have to create a story scene quickly because time is rarely short for one story to write.

The number of Pictures  Story Writing Test:

A total of 4 story pictures will be shown to candidates in the front of the screen. Every picture will short period of time to stay on screen, then it will fade and then show the next picture.

ISSB Picture Story Writing  Other Tips for all candidates:

There are the following steps to tackle the ISSB Picture Story Writing or pointer story writing.

👉The second time I request you to Watch the picture carefully. Notice each detail carefully like the total number of characters, expressions, actions, objects, and the surroundings and Etc.

👉Make an idea or a story out of your mind quickly ) of that picture is showing, you will need 30 seconds to view it.

👉Your story must be revealed in the shown picture.

👉you didn't write anything of your own in the story because it will waste your time.

👉you wrote a story of at least twelve lines.

In Moral or Comment:

👉Will try to give the full set at the end of the story.

👉Write your own idea and do not copy the ideas of others.

👉DO NOT ask for a picture state, description, or anything about the picture from an ISSB officer or staff member.

👉If you have already completed it, read it over and over again without wasting time so that if you see any errors to mistakes in it, you can correct them.

👉DO NOT panic, just write what your mind says.

👉ISSB Picture Story Writing Solved

Below you can find the solved ISSB Picture Story writing.

1.  What are the main characters are doing in the picture.

2.  Excellent scene creates in the picture.

3.  Ending results

Note: -  The picture will be shown just for 30 seconds on the project after that the picture disappears and you have to write a story in 3 minutes & 30 seconds

👉 Also do mention that the pages provide at ISSB for Psychologists Tests are Plane Pages without Lines (A4 Pages).

A4 Pages,plane pages, ball pen

My tip for you:  

👉 You’re Main Character Must Possess Leaderships like Qualities.

👉Ending must be positive with a solid Moral Lesson.

 ðŸ‘‰Quality Matters Not Quantity (It’s up to how much you can write).

👉 You Just Have Ball Pen in Your hand and a plane page without lines.

For more notes  and  books free download at this website:  


Practice Your Very First Test Here

solved picture story writing in Issb
Issb solved pointer stories pdf
picture story writing examples
pointer story writing in Issb pdf
picture story writing in Urdu is coming soon but the writing method is the same.

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