Picture story for ISSB| Picture story writing ISSB | Picture story writing | how to write story writing for ISSB and PMA courses 2021
story of Mr.Ali
A young man is standing in
front of the building of an office. He looks ‘No vacancy’ board hanging at the entrance of the office. He is looking down and it is thinking something. He
looks smart, well dressed, and healthy.
Ali belonged to a poor family. He
was an intelligent and good hard-working student. He passed his B.S. with
distinction. He wanted to be a lawyer. He could not join the university due to
his father’s sudden death. He had to seek employment because he had to look
after his family. Wherever he goes to get a job he sees ‘No vacancy’ board
hanging outside or inside the office. But he did not lose heart. He studied a
lot. He applied for and got a commission in the Army. Soon by his hard work and
devotion to his duty, he rose to a high position in the army. During his leisure hours, he studied the Engineering field and obtained an Engineering degree. Thus,
he was also able to realize one of his earlier ambitions. In this way, he proved
that hard work always becomes fruitful.
The author displays a positive
view of life. The hero is courageous and hardworking. He believes in
hard work and devotion to his duty. The result is success in life.